A company secretary is one of the mandatory requirements for starting a business in Singapore. This means that all private limited companies are required to have at least one Singaporean company secretary. However, not every business can easily comply with that requirement. That is why several companies in Singapore look for secretarial services Singapore agencies to help them meet this requirement. 

A company secretary has a lot of responsibilities in the company. Usually, one company secretary isn’t enough to cover all these obligations. That is why many businesses turn to company secretarial services Singapore firms for help. There are several secretarial services in Singapore. To find the most suitable for you, we laid down 5 tips for you to get the best secretarial services that Singapore can provide.

#1 – The secretarial services Singapore firm is a registered filing agent

An entity or individual who is a registered filing agent can carry out transactions with ACRA on behalf of another person. It can be an individual or a business entity. For this reason, the company secretarial services Singapore prospects must be registered filing agents. This is so you can ensure that ACRA will accept any filing transactions done by this company. 

It is good to note as well that anybody can be a company secretary for a private limited business. However, not everyone can do a good job as the company secretary. If you selected a secretarial services Singapore company that is a registered filing agent, you can be certain that you will get the best quality service. That is because to become a registered filing agent, secretarial services agencies must pass stringent requirements. Thus, only the most highly-regarded secretarial firms can pass this.

#2 – Knowing who will exactly be the company secretary

If you hire a company secretarial services Singapore agency, you may only know the customer representative that is constantly in touch with you. However, they are not the company secretary and so is the firm. They are not the ones that will appear in your business profiles and other important documents. That is why if you are planning to obtain outsourced secretarial services, you need to make sure that there is a specific person who will act as the company secretary.

Most secretarial services Singapore enterprises outsource their company secretary appointments. That is why you need to ensure that you will get the name and the contact details of that outsourced personnel. You must make certain that the outsourced secretary is easy to communicate with. This is so you can work with them efficiently and will not have any problems throughout the service.

#3 – Up-to-date company secretarial services Singapore company

Your company secretary must be tech-savvy. That is crucial since most of the ACRA transactions can be done online. Thus, when going through your secretarial services Singapore prospects, you should ask whether the company secretary that will be appointed uses technologies to make their work faster and easier. Furthermore, these company secretarial services Singapore appointees should be updated with the changes in business regulations and legislations.

#4 – Affordable price and quality services

You must select a secretarial services Singapore company that fits your budget. You don’t want to spend too much of what you intended just for these services only. Furthermore, you need to verify what the service fee is entitled to. Does it include all the basic secretarial services? How much do they charge for additional secretarial services that are not included in the main service? Do they already include the ACRA fees in the service fee or is it a separate fee? Whatever may be the answer to those questions, you must be clear with what you will be paying for. The bottom line is that you select a company secretarial services Singapore agency that offers quality services at a price you can afford.

#5 – Reliable secretarial services Singapore agency 

ACRA requires all businesses to comply with all of its requirements and follow the deadlines. The company secretary’s job is to monitor the filing due dates and the other deadlines imposed on the company. This personnel should be aware of all the company’s annual compliance matters not only in ACRA but also in the IRAS. A good company secretarial services Singapore firm will only hire reliable company secretary appointees. This is to ensure that no late filings will occur so the business will not suffer any fines and penalties or other implications. 


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