How To Conduct A Detailed UX Audit Of A Website?

The “quality” of the site means its convenience, intuitive interface and consistency of sections of the site. Website accessibility analytics requires a process called a UX audit (usability audit).

A UX audit, unlike a SEO audit, is a set of research methods and techniques that allow you to identify and understand the problems that a user encounters on a site.

As the name suggests, research focuses on the user’s point of view. Even the most experienced specialist cannot replace a conversation with a user, especially with an unusual profile. Only the user can discover non-obvious insights and motives for actions.

On the other hand, when researching, it is important to consider the business goals of the platform. Site accessibility studies help understand user needs and thus offer the best solution to a product/problem.

How are UX audits built?

Every UX audit should start with defining the user profile of the platform and the tasks to be performed on the platform.

The most commonly used research methods

one . Expert analysis – its purpose is to take on the role of an expert as a user and describe all possible threats to the task and difficulties that the user may encounter during the visit.

The analysis is based on the experience and knowledge of the expert, which is further supported by website statistics (eg Google Analytics) and research carried out by the customer.

  1. Monitoring user behavior on the site using specialized software. Using Hotjar or Yandex Metrics, you can watch videos about how users behave in their natural environment.
  2. Tests with users – the main advantage of this method is the ability to conduct in-depth interviews with users and understand the reasons for their behavior. This makes it possible to answer the question “why”, and not to guess what caused the refusal of the action.

Creating a digital product is a complex process that often involves many people and even company departments. Conducting an audit at your own risk of bias and substantiation of system deficiencies before the diagnosis is completed

It should be remembered that the purpose of the audit is not to criticize the existing project, but to find areas where it can be improved, and thus increase the profit of the company by improving the functionality and user satisfaction.


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