Uplinking and Downlinking

Uplinking and Downlinking are the technical requirements for a news channel to broadcast its programs. In this article, we have discussed the eligibility criteria to apply for this permission.

If you’re a TV channel, you need access to the satellite and an earth station to send out the broadcasting signal. Similarly, to ensure that it reaches your viewers, you need a way so that said signal can be received by the right equipment. Simply put, you need the permission for Uplinking and Downlinking.

Needless to say, you need to have a good financial and technical background to obtain the permission to uplink and downlink. This article is going to decode the eligibility criteria required for Uplinking and Downlinking.

Eligibility Criteria for To establish an Uplink

You need to fulfil the following requirements before you applying for the permission to uplink your television channel:

  1. Your minimum net worth should as on closing day of the financial year in which you’re filing the application should be INR 3 Crore.
  2. Along with the application, you need to have a unique name and logo for your channel.
  3. You need to fulfil the terms and conditions pertaining to the FDI policy of the government of India.
  4. You need to finalize all the agreements with your shareholders, loan agreements and others before filing the application for uplinking. Read More: Trademark Restoration
  5. If a member of the board of the directors is not a resident of India, you must provide his or her details including name, address and other information to the MiB.
  6. If you’re employing a foreigner or a Non=Resident Indian in your company, you must provide his or her details including names, address and other information to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  7. At least 25 percent of the members of the board of directors of your company, along with the key executives, should be Indian.
  8. Your company or LLP should have complete management control over your resources and assets. Additionally, you should possess the operational independence and the financial strength required to run a TV channel (news or otherwise).
  9. The Chief Executive Officer of your company must be a resident Indian.

Eligibility  Criteria for Downlinking

Want to ensure that the programs of your channel reach out to the people? Fulfil the following eligibility criteria for downlinking:

  1. Your company’s / LLPs minimum net worth should be INR 3 Crore in the financial year ending in the one which you’re filing the application for uplinking.
  2. Your must company either own a channel or must enjoy exclusive rights of distribution of the same in India.
  3. You must fulfil all the terms and conditions pertaining to foreign direct investment in case there is foreign equity involved in your company.
  4. You must provide the details of all the directors of your company and the details of the key executives. Read Other Useful License: RNI Registration
  5. You must furnish a document that has the following details:
    1. Nomenclature of the downlinking equipment
    2. Make of the downlinking equipment
    3. Model of the downlinking equipment
    4. Address of manufacturers of the downlinking equipment
    5. Schematic diagram of the downlinking equipment
    6. Distribution system details
    7. Facilities for storing and monitoring the records
  6. You must not under any point that disqualifies you from obtaining the permission.
  7. You must have the license to broadcast from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.


To uplink and downlink your TV channel, you need the permission from Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. As you might’ve noticed, the simple-worded eligibility criteria is not that easy to meet. Read Other Related Content: Trademark Investigation

If you need assistance, consult with our broadcasting experts. We can help you meet all the compliance you need to broadcast your programs across India.

Uplinking and Downlinking. Here, we decide the eligibility criteria to uplink and downlink your TV channel. For further details, contact Registrationwala.



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