Visual discrimination

Visual discrimination Intro:

Visual discrimination is our ability to determine the differences or similarities of objects or shapes based on criteria such as their size, color, etc. As fine motor skills, it is one of the basic skills essential for learning to read and write, since it is this which will allow the child to discern the differences between the letters (the b and the d by example), between words, but also to handle numbers with ease in writing as well as orally. 

Whether you want to prepare your child as well as possible for his entry into CP or help an older one who has reading difficulties, you can, through games, allow them to exercise and refine this function. To put the odds in their favor, discover here a selection of 30 visual observation and discrimination games, which will also strengthen their attention span. And all in the most fun way possible! Teach your kids about the number counting from our websites

An essential, transversal skill:

Like attention and visual memory, visual discrimination is a visual cognitive function essential to many preschool activities. It is, of course, closely linked to skills, visual memory as we have said, and logic and reasoning, spatial identification.

As the specialized site illuminates, visual discrimination is part of a set of skills for processing visual information. Among these, we can also cite:

  • The constancy of shape: the ability to recognize a shape, even if it is turned in another direction, smaller or larger, or observed from further or closer.
  • visual memory, which will make it possible to memorize a word from one page to another, from one medium to another, for example, and to be able to retain this information while it is time to recopy this word;
  • Sequential visual memory: that is, the ability to remember a sequence of objects or shapes in a precise order. Very important for spelling, therefore!
  • form completion: the ability to recognize an image even when it is truncated by mentally reconstructing it in its entirety;
  • Visuospatial relations (or spatial identification): understanding the relations between objects in the same environment. Significant in terms of motor activities such as understanding the orientation of the letters and avoiding inversions. The “b” and “d” have the same shape indeed but in a different direction.

Visual discrimination activity:

In a visual discrimination activity, all these skills of observation of understanding visual information will be called upon at the same time. In addition, as we have said, there are several ways of distinguishing objects and several aspects on which to make our sorting.

The recognition of identical shapes, even when they are not oriented in the same way, the recognition of colors, sizes, and directions, and the association of shapes and images, numbers, letters, and syllables, or the identification of differences and common points between images. Seo Sakti

Closely linked to others :

As the publisher Nathan’s website tells us, during a visual discrimination exercise, the child will thus be able to be led to:

  • analyze and distinguish images (for example, find images that are strictly identical to the models offered);
  • take clues and spot intruders (by observing details, taking into account the criteria of shape, color, spatial orientation);
  • match similar objects or elements (e.g., match upper and lower case letters, cursive and script);
  • Spot the similarities and differences between various visual information  (for example differentiating close letters such as b / d, p / q, u / n; recognizing the silhouette of one’s first name, among others.

We understand, therefore, all the richness and all the stake that We can involve in mastering this skill. Now let’s see which games will best refine this ability.

Games to work on visual discrimination and much more!

Train your lynx eye:

Finding a needle in a haystack, Charly, an object on the lynx plateau, the treasure or a figure meeting all the required criteria or variant, none, these are timeless and effective activities to work at best visual functions. Cognitive skills that are visual discrimination and attention!

The lynx :

Those present on the vast game board. To win, a lynx’s eye and methodology will come in handy! Ideal for working on visual discrimination.

Class-class :

We will have to be the fastest to spot the magnetic disc combining the shape and color indicated by the two dice Visual discrimination. You have to go fast to stack the proper records! My students really like this game which develops both visual discrimination and responsiveness. 

Pick up the treasure :

A game box with 50 rounded cards frustrations of various items, all linked to piracy Visual discrimination. On the back of the cards, only one object is represented. It is then a question of finding a card where this object appears among many others! And as quickly as possible to be the one who collects the most treasures! We like the thick cardboard of the playing cards and the various illustrations.

Identifying what is and what is not: visual discrimination and mental flexibility:

Bizarre bazaar :

Who will be the first to seize the object that does not have any of the characteristics of the one represented on the map or, on the contrary, has them all? Be careful not to rush! A game that allows you both to develop your visual discrimination capacity and your cognitive inhibition capacity.

Set :

A puzzle game that makes working memory work and the ability to compose mental images. Each card has symbols that combine four characteristics: color, shape, number, and fill. It is a question of observing the exposed cards to identify a SET, a set of 3 cards of which each of the four characteristics is either identical or different from the two other cards. Eighty-one cards in an iron storage box. From 6 years old.

 Distinguish the colors :

Colors with Montessori :

Pairing, gradation, association, this Montessori box offers several varied activities to sharpen your sense of visual observation in various ways to learn about colors, their nuances, as well as their peculiarities and characteristics.

Candy :

Which candies have each of the colors indicated by the three dice? Quickly, you have to sort through this beautiful carpet of thick cardboard candies. An excellent visual discrimination game to learn to distinguish colors.

Identification by color or shape :

With toddlers, we will favor games inviting discrimination and classification, activities allowing them to manipulate the elements: the precious stones to be sorted will allow sorting by color, by shape or by color, and by shape, as well as some counters. Family, farm animals.

Many games will offer to establish visual discrimination based on both color and shape or one or the other. It will then be a question of being the first to locate on an illustration or a plate what corresponds to this constraint.

Match :

Reconstituting perfectly identical pairs, that it is necessary to associate the part and the whole, the object and its shadow or two different writings of the same word is a classic exercise but devilishly effective to sharpen visual observation skills. Here are some discrimination games inviting to bring together pairs of socks, numbers, words.

Double figures and shapes and Dobble (child model) :

We no longer present this great classic, which allows you to develop the sense of observation and concentration as much as visual discrimination! The only identical symbol between the two cards presented! Who will distinguish it first? Available in 2 models: Standard (6 years old), which contains 55 cards in 1 metal box, and Kids (4 years old), which contains 30 cards in 1 metal box.

Sock Scoop :

Its a game parents play every time they unwind the laundry! But that can be a lot of fun in this version, with adorable cases to put together in pairs. Please note that the pairs must be identical! This game works on visual discrimination, attention to detail, and concentration while manipulating parts and movement.

Shadows :

An excellent visual discrimination game also lends itself to various uses: memory games, family games, guessing games, etc.

Let si flash :

It is necessary to associate common words but written in different typographies, sizes, orientations. The players turn over a card in the center of the table and compare the top card of their pile with this one. Who will be the first to find the common word.

Let si mage :

On each of the 50 cards, there are words and illustrations. It will bring together several kinds of pairs: exact words, corresponding images. The precious stones to be sorted will allow sorting by color, by shape or by color, and by shape, as well as some counters. Family, farm animals. And words, or different illustrations of the same object. Here we sharpen visual discrimination while working on cognitive flexibility and reading speed!

Constructo dominoes :

An original way to play dominoes and sharpen your sense of observation! The figures have been replaced by geometric figures, which are shown as separate or associated and thus forming a whole. It is these two representations that we are talking about here. Two difficulty levels. Significant in terms of motor activities such as understanding the orientation of the letters and avoiding inversions



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