Yoga reduce anxiety
Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of yoga in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. In one study, women who participated in a three-month yoga program experienced significant improvements in perceived stress, anxiety, and depression. In another study, ten weeks of yoga helped reduce stress and anxiety for participants.
How does yoga help ease anxiety?
Yoga eases symptoms of anxiety and stress through direct benefits to both the body and mind. On a physical level, yoga helps induce a relaxation response and reduce heart rate; on a psychological level, mindfulness promotes a focus on the present moment, guiding thoughts away from anxiety or worry about future events.
Physical benefits of yoga
The deep breathing practices associated with yoga speak directly to the amygdala to lower the state of arousal. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which induces a relaxation response. Yoga also helps to:
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduce heart rate
- Release muscle tension
- Increase body awareness
- Aid in relaxation
Benefits of yoga
Stress and anxiety often include experiences of racing thoughts, overwhelming mental “checklists” and/or anticipation and worry about future events. Through mindful cuing from your instructor, yoga can help: If you are looking to bring a change into your life by learning yoga for self-rejuvenation or transfer the benefits to others, by getting a professional certificate and expertise 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India- Apply Now
- Promote compassionate observation of the dialogue in your head
- Provide space for intentional thought patterns
- Aid in present-moment awareness
- Increase self-connection
1) Legs up the wall pose: This pose reverses the blood flow, increases lymphatic circulation, and nourishes the heart and mind
- Bring your mat over to a wall and lie on your back.
- Arms can be out to your sides or hands can rest on your belly.
(2) Cat-cow pose: This pose works with the spine to calm the nervous system and induce a relaxation response.
Cat/Cow Pose
- Come onto all fours with your hands below shoulders and your knees below your hip bones, keeping your back straight in a neutral position.
- Inhale, lower your belly, draw your shoulder blades together and peel open your chest, lifting your gaze to find Cow Pose. Exhale, press against your palms, round into your back body as you draw your shoulder blades apart from each other, gazing toward your navel to find Cat Pose.
- Move slowly to feel the movement of each vertebra of your spine.
This is such a relaxing and releasing combination of postures if done properly. Keep your eyes closed to focus on connecting each movement to your breath.
(3) Restorative child’s pose: This pose supports the heart and opens up the back body creating a sense of comfort and release. Alongside developing practical skills in the art of teaching, our trainees also gain a comprehensive understanding of: Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
- Sit back on your heels with knees outstretched to about the width of your mat.
- Bring a bolster, pillow, or folded blanket to touch the inside of both knees, positioned vertically out in front of you.
- Stretch your arms overhead and fold forward over your bolster, allowing your torso to rest on your prop. If using pillows or blankets, you may need 2 or more for a comfortable height. Your head can be turned to one side.
- Breathe into the back body.
1. Camel pose: Ustarasana or camel pose can help in releasing stress and improve blood circulation throughout the body. Improved blood circulation means better supply of oxygen, which can be healing for your mind and body.
Camel pose Benefits:
Increases flexibility in the spine and stimulates the nervous system. Opens the chest and shoulders. Stimulates the thyroid. Releases pent up stress and ensures enhanced blood circulation throughout the body, making it an excellent means to combat anxiety.
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) Benefits:
Stretches the muscles of the back and the legs. Increases blood circulation and helps combat sleep disorders. Reduces anxiousness.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Benefits:
Strengthens the spine. Soothes sciatica. Stimulates the organs in the abdomen and improves digestion. Found to be effective in treating stress symptoms like headaches and fatigue.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist) Benefits:
Increases spinal flexibility and releases tension from the spine; reduces back pain and stiffness. Loosens and stretches the hip joints. Improves round shoulders. Calms the nervous system and silences the mind.
Balasana Benefits:
Helps release neck, shoulder and upper back strain. Calms the body and mind through steady, conscious breathing.
Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)
- From a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together, close to your pelvis, allowing your knees to fall out to the sides.
- Ground your sitting bones and lengthen your spine
- Hold onto the outsides of your feet and press the soles of your feet towards each other.
- If your body allows it, fold forward from the hips, keeping your spine long and your collar bones spread
- Stay for 5 to 10 breathes
- To come out of the pose, sit up straight again, lift your knees and straighten your legs
Butterfly Pose Benefits
- Increases hip mobility and stretches the inner thighs
- Grounding and calming