make my assignment
make my assignment

A good paper is one that is well written, but what are the elements which make a paper well written? Well, many things like spelling, grammar, tenses, and tone contribute to this factor. So what happens when there are mistakes in them? what happens when own wonders “who will make my assignment due to lack of knowledge?”

Well, that is what we are going to talk about today. A lot of us hear about good writing tips. But today, we will focus on mistakes so that you know what to avoid when writing your next piece. Here are 10 common mistakes which students usually make in their papers:

1) Spelling

One of the biggest mistakes students make in their paper is spelling. A spelling mistake might sound like a minor error, but it is not that tiny, especially at a college level, a graduate or university-level student. Coming from them is like a grave and unacceptable mistake.

Spelling mistakes are the last thing that a university professor is expecting from a student. So, make sure you double-check the spellings always before and after writing.

2) Poor words

Poor choice of words is what will make your content poor too. One word can have a lot of alternative synonyms, which can make your paper sophisticated. If you lack knowledge of words then, why not look them up while writing?

One can always read more books, watch high-end movies or search online for sophisticated terms that enrich the paper’s quality. Though this does not sound like a mistake, it can be a significant reason for getting low grades.

3) Too much information

Too much information when not asked for is entirely unnecessary. A lot of students who deviate from the main subject end up discussing sub-topics which are not the main highlight. If the topic is too broad and you have no idea on how to write them, then go through papers online from experts in study help to get an idea on how to compose them.

4) Wrong words

Another big mistake is using the wrong words. So many words sound similar but stand for two different things. Some words like that are illusion and delusion, etc. Students who do not know the meaning, use them blindly which will be at a huge disadvantage because it completely changes the definition, which can sometimes be a fatal issue.

5) Lack of evidence

Writing assignments is not totally opinion based. You need to put in facts and substantial evidence to strengthen your case. Readers won’t accept your theories just for the word for it. Therefore, you need to place strong evidence and justify your statements. Without evidence, your writing is just empty claims that jeopardize your grades.

For tough topics, go through papers from case study help or excellent writers to get an idea on how to present evidence for challenging topics.

6) Unnecessary punctuation

Using commas, question marks, and punctuation in the right place is necessary. But then again overuse of anything is dangerous. If you are using too much punctuation, which is unnecessary, it can also change the meaning of the sentence. Your university professor might not have the patience level to go through an improper sentence and make out the meaning of it.

Hence, please pay attention to the overuse of punctuation as it can ruin your paper.

7) Poor sentence structure

The next mistake is poor sentence structure. Poor sentence structure is not just by the use of inadequate words, it occurs due to wrong transitional words too. Do not use transitional words when not required. One of the major mistakes is either overuse or improper use. So make sure you are not doing either of them.

8) Boring topics

While many of us focus on the writing style and details of a paper, sometimes the problem lies with the topic too. You cannot expect people to like your work if the subject is not exciting or invaluable. Picking up a good topic of interest for the audience is the first thing to keep in mind.

When followed, your topic will automatically create an impression that will determine if the readers want to read your work further or not.

9) No citation

Another common mistake that happens in writing is when students provide wrong or improper citations. Students who do not cite their papers properly can face plagiarism issues. Not only that, it is completely unprofessional because most papers require citation at the end of the paper.

10) Repetitive content

And finally, copying the same old content without any innovation will never let you gain the title of a good writer. A good writer always adds a unique blend to their topic. Even when they write about old topics, they add their new contributions to them.

Hence do not go on repeating the same topic with the same information. Instead, invest your time to create something unique and make your paper lovable to others.

Writing mistakes are not just related to writing but with many other mini details too. Here, we have enlisted all the primary mistakes students and writers make in their papers. If you always wondered why you could not build a better reputation or get better grades, then maybe you need to evaluate for these mistakes in your documents.

Now that we have provided you with the cheat code of how to be a better writer, we are sure you will be able to utilize it and get used to it.

Common Case-Study Assignment Blunders.

Not following Its Standard Format

While a case study doesn’t need a boilerplate, you must adhere to its standard format.

If you’ve been guilty of not following its format before, use these tips to avert this blunder.

  • Make a section explaining the problem, challenge or situation
  • Segregate how you intend to overcome and resolve it
  • Then keep another section to explain the outcome of the above efforts

By dividing each section, you get the scope to focus on all aspects clearly. Your readers will appreciate it, too, when they go through your case study paper.


Making It Difficult To Follow

Don‘t make your case study too complicated to follow. Or else your readers will skim your post and remain unimpressed.

You need to use headlines, sub-heads, bullets and relevant quotes to catch their interest. All this will give clues to your readers and eventually encourage them to read the whole thing.

Adding Redundant, Boring, or Unconvincing Information

Whatever information, data or statistics you include; it should convince the readers. Or else your efforts will be in vain.

But, oblivious to its consequences, many include redundant, boorish and unconvincing information that makes readers lose interest.

Don’t do that.

Keep the information specific, direct, and accurate. Also, write in a way so that you can convince the readers that you have solutions to the presented problem or scenario.

No Call-To-Action Section 

A case study must have a Call-To-Action. It prompts the readers to make a choice and take the next step! Also, it should complement the content you presented.

Yet, many 1st year students forget to include one and resultantly lose marks.

When you write your case study paper, look to include one at the end. Keep it simple, short, and direct.

Author b

Jack Thomas is a lecturer at the Univerity of Toronto. He has a master’s degree in English and, loves writing, and is well versed in all kinds of writing styles. Currently, she is working at and offers case study help to students in need.


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