AC Problems

Have you ever spent a day in a home or business plagued with AC problems? Imagine it’s a hot day in the summer sun, the family is coming over this weekend and you’re very busy making all the necessary arrangements when suddenly the A/C quits working perfect timing, right? It’s certainly an experience you don’t want to repeat. While maintenance is important to prevent problems during the hottest months of the year, sometimes problems may still occur, especially true if you use the air conditioning unit round-the-clock.

Listed below most common AC Problems faced during summer 

If the air conditioner is running, but your home isn’t cooling like it used to, a blocked or dirty air condenser may be the cause of the problem. Dirty air filters may also contribute to the problem. First, check the air filter. If it’s dirty, then clean or replace it. If this doesn’t work, then try to check the unit outside. Thus, Appoint Ac Repair in Delhi professionals and let them clean the unit and make sure it’s free from dirt and debris. These things can be obstructing the airflow. Remember, airflow is paramount to comfort.

  • AC won’t turn on: 

When your air conditioning suddenly stops working, this is probably due to a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse. But before calling a professional to repair the air conditioning unit, make sure that the unit is plugged in and that the thermostat is set properly. Also, check the outside unit to determine if the condenser is running.

  • Utility bills AC Problems:

While a high electric bill is expected during the summer, a skyrocketing bill will make you rethink your decision of using the air conditioner. What people fail to realize is that an unusually high utility bill is often indicative of an underlying problem. It is suggested to have an HVAC expert come in and inspect your air conditioning unit to make sure it’s in good shape. Virtually all of these AC Problems can be prevented with regular maintenance.

  • Frozen Evaporator Coils AC Problems:

Your air conditioner’s evaporator coil is filled with refrigerant and is responsible for absorbing the heat from the air like a sponge. It may sound counter-intuitive, but those coils need warm air circulating around them to work properly. When something goes wrong with the airflow and the evaporator coil gets too cold, a layer of ice can build up on the outside. When that happens is you’ll get warm air or none at all coming from your air conditioning supply registers.

  • Malfunctioning Compressor AC Problems:

A compressor pushes refrigerant through the system so that it can cool the air. This compressor may wear out with constant use, and too much or too little refrigerant can damage the compressor. Unit turns on and off repeatedly is also known as short cycling. Instead of completing a full cooling cycle, the AC starts up over and over. This is a serious issue that can damage the compressor. 

  • Breakers, Fuses, and Capacitors: 

Breakers and fuses safeguard the AC from overheating. If the motor to an AC dies, the first thing a contractor from your air conditioner insurance company checks is the breaker. Capacitors activate motors and provide electricity to keep them running.

  • Fan-Related AC Problems:

     Fans blow indoor air over the evaporator to cool it. Another fan blows through the outdoor condenser to expel heat outside. Fans enable the movement of air through the system, and they are an integral part of the AC. A faulty motor, degraded lubricant, wear and tear damage, and dirt can all lead to reduced airflow, decreased efficiency, and even compressor failure.

Summer is the most demanding season for air conditioners. And with all that high demand causes AC Problems. However, understanding the issues your AC faces in the summer can help you better prepare for what’s ahead and avoid the problems altogether. Avoid all AC Problems by having annual summer AC maintenance. It’s the best way to make sure your AC is running properly and that it is ready for the high demands of the summer heat.

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