IVF treatment

In today’s scenario, the primary reason behind the increasing issue of infertility is fast lifestyles and unhealthy schedules. People are more likely to eat fast and fried food than a healthy balanced diet. It was impossible a few years back to conceive a baby, and people had to stay childless due to the issue of infertility. But the advancement of science and many research techniques allow people to develop their pregnancy. In this process, the Best IVF Centre in Punjab will guide you about every step of IVF treatment.

It does not matter that the problem might be related to men or women. Before adopting, parents should get full-fledged knowledge about the Test tube baby process. They ought to consult more than one fertility specialist to avoid any problems in their treatment.

How does Surrogacy differ from test-tube baby?

We all can hear that ancient people felt ashamed if any women were dealing with the problem of infertility. Even they did not openly talk about it. Their family members and relatives considered them a culprit and criticized them for their infertility problem. But if we can look at religious epics, you can see several stories of infertility in the Mahabharata. You can also observe how the masses can analyze these issues with scientific methods.

After reading and listening to these examples, many individuals are still frustrating and helpless when thinking about their inability to conceive naturally. Undoubtedly, everyone has the right to relish their parenthood, but they should not worry because they can fulfill their dream with other methods.


People know Surrogacy and IVF, both used to becoming parents, but they do not understand what differs between these terms. Surrogacy is a mechanism in which a woman brings another woman’s baby into her womb. This process comes into use while original women do not carry their babies in their wombs due to some abnormalities. Before beginning the treatment, a surrogate mother has to take several medications to perform this treatment. An egg eliminates from the original mother’s womb and sent to the surrogate mother’s womb along with healthy male sperm. The baby is then born after nine months.

Test Tube Baby:

In this process, a baby is born in a glass tube. A woman takes several medications to produce mature eggs. Then, this egg removes from the woman’s uterus and combined with the male sperm externally in a glass container in the laboratory. Here, the embryo generated from this male sperm and female combination. Then the next step follows, the embryo will transfer to the women’s fallopian tube. If the fallopian line correctly attaches to the source, women become pregnant.

If yet you have any questions in mind related to Surrogacy. For in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, you can ask freely the Best doctor Sumita Sofat at their Sofat Infertility & Women Care Center in Punjab. Many people find this technique more complicated and become emotional, but this is the only way to acquire positive results.


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